
文:Kent German(CNET News.com)


2007/06/09 01:43 米国時間6月3日のテレビ番組「60 Minutes」で放映されたコマーシャル で、ついにAppleの「iPhone」の発売日が6月29日 だと明らかになったことで、iPhoneを心待ちにしている人たちは安堵の息をもらした。(もちろん、CNET News.comの姉妹サイトCraveも同類だが)頭をかきむしらんばかりに気をもませられたこの携帯電話 に関して、5カ月間におよぶうわさに幕が引けることがいいのか、たくさんの情報が得られることがいいのか、われわれの視点からはどちらがどちらともいいがたい。


 とにかく指を活躍させよう: 横にしても画面はまっすぐ: インターネットも楽々: 電話をかける: ボイスメール: テキストメール: 写真: 音楽: 地図表示機能について: 環境光センサー 「MacOS X」 「Wi-Fi」「Bluetooth 2.0」「EDGE」 サイズ 電池寿命カメラ 画面解像度 ストレージ AT&T




[WSJ] iPhoneのライバルたちに勝機はあるか

iPhoneのライバルたち Appleのハイエンド携帯iPhoneに対するライバルの答えを比較しよう。

Apple iPhone HTC Touch LG Prada Nokia N95 Samsung Upstage
価格 499ドルまたは599ドル 449ユーロ(606ドル) 600ユーロ(810ドル) 749ドル 99ドル(2年契約付き)
画面サイズ(インチ) 3.5 2.8 4.1 2.6 2.1
無線LAN機能 あり あり なし あり なし
特別な特徴 iTunes Store対応 タッチスクリーン PRADAブランド 500万画素カメラ 片面は携帯電話、もう片面は音楽プレーヤーのデュアルサイドデザイン
販売 AT&T Wirelessが独占販売 今月欧州とアジアで、その後米国で発売 欧州とアジア 欧州とアジア、一部の米国店舗 Sprint直営店とオンライン
記憶容量 4Gバイトまたは8Gバイト 1Gバイトメモリカード同梱 最大256Mバイトのメモリカードに対応 最大2Gバイトのメモリカードに対応 最大2Gバイトのメモリカードに対応
キーパッド タッチスクリーン上に表示される。使わないときは見えなくなる 標準的なキーパッド 音楽プレーヤー側はタッチスクリーン、電話側は標準的なキーパッド


スマートフォン ビジネス向け期待 携帯各社が本腰










W-CDMA/HSPA+WiFi方式での日本参入となるとドコモvsソフトバンクモバイルvsイーモバイルの争いか?大物好きのソン様、センちゃんを抱える会社が世間を驚かせるか、DoCoMo 2.0がうまくいかないナツノ氏の起死回生策となるか?それとも意表をついたKDDIマコッチャンの取締役就任記念になるか?



尾本香里(編集部) by CNET Japan

2007/04/17 21:24

 英国の新興企業Jalipoが4月12日、テレビやオンラインビデオを売買するマーケットプレイスのベータ版 を発表した。

 同社はプレスリリース で、これがテレビやビデオコンテンツを配信するための世界初のマーケットプレイスであると述べている。すでに、BBCやAl Jazeebra International、Bloomberg、France 24などがコンテンツを提供している。



 Jalipoの会長を務めるChris Deering氏は、かつてSony Europeのプレジデントを務めていた人物。同氏はプレスリリースのなかで「Jalipoの洗練された、オープンマーケットのアプローチのおかげで、コンテンツオーナーたちは世界へのコンテンツ配信を完全にコントロールできるようになる。これはかつてないことだ」と述べている。

 Jalipoでは、4年の歳月をかけて開発したシステムを、ビデオストリーミングとWeb 2.0技術、デジタル著作権管理技術、シンジケーション技術、マイクロペイメント技術を組み合わせたものだと、うたっている。



Bloomberg Europeのコンテンツを再生したところ。







インテル、Ultra-Mobile PC向け新プラットフォームを来週発表?



 米国インテルが中国で来週開催する技術コンファレンスでは、同社の強力なサーバ向けチップに注目が集まると見られているが、IT関連ブログは、同社がUltra-Mobile PC(UMPC)向けの新しいプラットフォームを発表するのではないかという話題で盛り上がっている。

 いくつかのITブログは、4月16日から北京で開催される「Intel Developer Forum(IDF)」で、新しいUMPCプラットフォーム「McCaslin」が発表されるのではないかといううわさで持ちきりだ。McCaslinは、600MHzまたは800MHzで動作する「Stealey」プロセッサを採用し、マイクロソフトのWindows Vistaをサポートするとされている。





 すでにインテルは、Pentium Mプロセッサをバルカンの「FlipStart」向けに提供し、この分野での取り組みを試験的に行っている。しかし、FlipStartは、競合するサムスンのQ1、ソニーの「UX」、OQOの「Model 02」と同様に、ニッチなユーザーを獲得するにとどまっている。





 インテルはノートPC向けのCentrinoプラットフォームなど、モバイル製品向けのハードウェア・バンドルで成功した実績を持つ。また、5月初めに、Centrino(開発コード名:Santa Rosa)をアップグレードした「Centrino Pro」を提供することで、無線ネットワーク機能の強化とバッテリ駆動時間の延長を図る予定だ。

 また、同社は4月5日に、Core 2 Duoプロセッサの省電力版「U7600」と「U7500」を発表している。これらは小型のミニノートPC、サブノートPC、タブレットPC向けに設計されている。ゲートウェイはこれらのチップをウルトラ・ポータブルPC「E-100M」に搭載している。

(ベン・エームズ/IDG News Service ボストン支局)


サムソンのQ1、台湾VIAテクノロジーとの競争でマーケットが盛り上がれば、UMPCも注目を浴び、モバイルコンピューティング&コミュニケーション市場も立ち上がり、広い意味で vs スマートフォン、vs 多機能ケータイと相互に競争し、それぞれの棲み分けが出来てくるのだろう。


永井美智子(編集部)、鳴海淳義(編集部) by CNET Japan

2007/04/10 11:23


 サービス名は「モバイルGmail 」。約2.8GBの容量や検索機能、スレッド表示など、PC版Gmailの機能をほぼすべて携帯電話から利用できる。PC版との同期も自動で行われるため、モバイルGmailで読んだメールはPCでも既読扱いになり、スターなどの表示も同様に反映される。


 画像やPDF、MS Word文書などの添付ファイルの表示にも対応している。PDFやWordファイル場合は、テキストに自動変換して表示する。画像については、表示できるファイルの大きさに制限がある。また、メール本文に記載されたURLをクリックすると、携帯電話で見やすい形に変換して表示する。







「モバイルWiMAXをIMT-2000(第3世代携帯電話,3G)標準に,次世代のモバイルWiMAXであるIEEE 802.16mをIMT-Advanced(第4世代携帯電話,4G)標準にするようITU(国際電気通信連合)に提案している」──。


モバイルWiMAXは,無線を使って数十Mビット/秒の通信を実現する無線ブロードバンドの通信規格で,「IEEE 802.16e」として標準化されている。一方のIEEE 802.16mは,100M~1Gビット/秒を目指したモバイルWiMAXの次世代に当たる規格だ。2007年1月に標準化の検討が始まった。





(白井 良=日経コミュニケーション [2007/04/10])



モバイルWiMAXは盛り上がった後、技術的な点でUMTSやCDMA方式に足りないところや、サービスの位置づけとしてもデータオンリー(パソコンのみ)とか、ケータイの補完的な位置づけにとどまっている。また、ECOシステムが未整備なこともあり、一部米Sprint NEXTELや韓国のWiBroとして走り出しているものの、世界的にはビジネスとして未だ立ち上がっていない。



ZAITEN (財界展望) 2007年 05月号 [雑誌]









ジャーナリスト 芦田幾一郎




ジャーナリスト 倉田大道



日本通信がNTTドコモに突きつけた“最後通牒” などなど。。。




[2007年4月8日/日本経済新聞 朝刊]




返還される2GHzは需要に応じて公平に再配分されることを期待したい。。。 (競争に敗れたウィルコムの次世代PHSに行くか、ライブドアか?(ジョーク)、それともWiMAXで負ける会社に分配されるか。。。。)

Microsoft Smartphone/Windows Mobile 6 Standard Edition Models

Samsung BlackJack Nov. 2006

The 3rd Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone Edition with a QWERTY Keyboard to hit the US market, the BlackJack SGH-i607 might just be the best. It's got great ergonomics (with a few caveats), a lovely display and best of all, really fast 3G data on Cingular's HSDPA network. The BlackJack is slim, sexy and weighs only 3.5 ounces yet it has a surprisingly roomy keyboard, a good 1.3MP camera and Bluetooth 2.0. It's a quad band GSM smartphone offered by Cingular in the US.

T-Mobile Dash and HTC S620 Nov. 2006

One of our favorite smartphones. The Dash and its unlocked near-twin the HTC S620 came out at the end of October. This super-slim and attractive quad band GSM Windows Mobile Smartphone has a very usable QWERTY keyboard and a landscape 320 x 240 pixel display that's just fantastic. It's got EDGE for data, WiFi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth 2.0 and a 1.3MP camera. Certainly one of this year's hot MS Smartphones. The Dash sells for a modest $199 with contract from T-Mobile and the S620 will set you back a few hundred more.

Cingular 3125 Sept. 2006

You're going to flip over this phone. Puns aside, this clamshell Windows Mobile Smartphone has brains, good looks and a low price tag. It's a member of the HTC STRTrk family but it improves on other variants by adding twice the flash memory, 50% more battery capacity and it has good reception as well. The quad band 3125 is offered by Cingular in the US and it has EDGE for data, Bluetooth and a 1.3MP camera. Editor's Choice 2006

Samsung i320 Sept. 2006

This Motorola Q killer is smaller, sleeker and faster than the fabled Q. Alas it's not offered by US carriers but you can buy it from importers unlocked for use with any GSM carrier. This triband phone has EDGE, Bluetooth and a wickedly fast 416MHz Intel XScale processor. And let's not forget a small but very usable QWERTY keyboard and a decent 1.3 megapixel camera with flash.

QTEK 8500 Sept. 2006

This is one of several versions of the device code-named HTC STRTrk (Star Trek for those who like their vowels). It's one of the few clamshell MS Smartphones and it does bear a resemblance to its namesake, the Star Trek communicator. This is a Windows Mobile 5 quad band GSM phone with EDGE for data. It has a 1.3MP camera, Bluetooth and is sold unlocked by importers in the US. It's the kissing cousin to the i-mate Smartflip and Cingular 3125.

Motorola Q June 2006

The brainy RAZR we've all been waiting for is finally here! The Q in no way resembles Motorola's past smartphones (and that's a good thing). It sports fresh RAZR-esque looks, fast and reliable technology inside and a vivid landscape display. This smartphone is available on Verizon's network in the US and it offers EVDO for 3G data speeds, good voice quality, Bluetooth and a QWERTY keyboard. Its 312MHz Intel XScale processor keeps it humming along nicely and it has a miniSD slot to save the 1.3MP camera's photos as well as any data you wish.

Cingular 2125 April 2006

Cingular's latest MS Smartphone runs Windows Mobile 5, and though it looks very much like the Audiovox SMT-5600 it replaces, a lot has changed under the hood. The 2125, which is a close cousin to the T-Mobile SDA features a 1.3MP camera, Bluetooth 1.2, a great 240 x 320 pixel display and easy syncing to Outlook on Windows desktops. This quad band GSM phone has both GPRS and EDGE for data, and has MS Office viewers and the usual Windows Mobile MP3 and video playback panache.

T-Mobile SDA Feb. 2006

This is the US model, which is an HTC Tornado variant. It's a quad band world phone running Windows Mobile 5 on a zippy 195 MHz processor. Though compact it's loaded with a 1.3MP camera, Bluetooth, WiFi, a lovely 2.2" QVGA display and EDGE for fast data. It's dubbed the music phone thanks to its dedicated playback control buttons on the front face and MP3 playback capabilities thanks to the included Windows Media Player 10 Mobile (while Media Player isn't unique to the SDA, the dedicated buttons are unique to the HTC Tornado design and T-Mo in the US). it's basically the US version of the i-mate SP5m reviewed below. Editor's Choice 2006

Motorola i930 Dec. 2005

This is Nextel's first Microsoft Smartphone. It may be late to the party but it offers the usual Nextel ruggedness, Push to Talk, good performance and stability. This smartphone runs Windows Mobile 2003SE on a 200 MHz processor and has a split personality: in the US it works on Nextel's iDen network while overseas it works as a GSM phone thanks to a dual band GSM radio and SIM slot.

i-mate SP5m Nov. 2005

One of the first Windows Mobile 5 Smartphones to hit the market, the SP5m is available overseas and through importers in the US. It has a quad band GSM radio that will work anywhere GSM service is available, EDGE, GPRS, WiFi, a 1.3MP camera and front buttons that make MP3 playback a natural.

Audiovox SMT5600 Nov. 2004 Known by many names, this device is made by HTC and is code named Typhoon. You'll find it overseas as the Orange C500 and i-mate SP3. Here in the US, it's offered by AT&T Wireless and by Cingular as the SMT5600. This absolutely wonderful GSM MS Smartphone is extremely compact, has a large and lovely display, Bluetooth, a VGA camera and runs the latest Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition for Smartphones. Editor's Choice 2004

Motorola MPx220 Nov. 2004

The new MS Smartphone on the block packs an amazing number of features into a small package. This trim clamshell phone runs MS Smartphone 2003 SE, has a fast processor, Bluetooth, a 1MP camera, an expansion slot and MP3 stereo playback. It's a GSM world phone offered by Cingular in the US. Update June 2005: Cingular no longer seems to offer this phone.

Orange SPV E200 May 2004

This 2nd generation MS Smartphone runs the new 2003 operating system. It's sold by carriers in Europe and other countries overseas, but not in the US. You can buy it from several importers in the US, and it works fine on US GSM networks. This is a candy bar phone with a VGA camera, Bluetooth and a wonderful display. If you're looking for a camera, BT or the latest OS, check this out! It's also sold as the i-mate Smartphone 2 and the XPhone.



Pocket PC Phone Edition/Windows Mobile 6 Professional Models

E-TEN Glofiish M700 March 2007

Take the recently reviewed Glofiish X500 and add a side-sliding QWERTY keyboard and you've got the M700. This "everything but the kitchen sink" PDA phone has WiFi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR, a 400MHz Samsung CPU, a 2MP camera with flash, an FM radio and best of all, a SiRFStarIII internal GPS. This quad band GSM world phone has EDGE for data and is sold unlocked for use with any carrier.

i-mate JAQ3 Jan. 2007

The second Pocket PC phone to sport both a front-facing static keyboard and a QVGA landscape touch screen display (the JAQ was the first). The JAQ3 is a quad band phone with EDGE that's sold by importers unlocked for use with any GSM carrier. It has a very good QWERTY keyboard, WiFi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth and a 2 megapixel camera. The uber-thin JAQ3 looks like a super-sized Samsung BlackJack MS Smartphone, which is a compliment, though its width and height may stretch your pocket.

Palm Treo 750 Jan. 2007

The latest Windows Mobile Treo Pocket PC Phone gets a lot of love from us. Palm has done more than warm over a Treo 700: this GSM Cingular phone went on a diet, lost the external antenna and gained an improved camera and Bluetooth. Palm's customizations of Windows Mobile and the front-facing QWERTY keyboard make the Treo 750 a breeze to use one-handed. The 300MHz processor, ample RAM and ATI graphics accelerator keep it humming along nicely and 3G plus AKU 3.2 keep the emails flowing in nicely.

HTC P3300 and XDA Orbit Jan. 2007

These two phones are variations of the HTC Artemis. Though they have different casings, they're identical inside. They are Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC phones and the HTC P3300 is sold unlocked while the XDA Orbit is offered by O2 in Europe. Features include a very compact design, internal GPS, quad band GSM phone with EDGE for data, a 2MP camera, WiFi and Bluetooth. We got a hold of both models for this review.

E-TEN Glofiish X500 Jan. 2007

The X500 wants to be your everything. It's a Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC, a quad band GSM phone and a GPS. Featuring a PDA-like design, the Glofiish X500 features an internal SiRF III GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR, EDGE for data, a 400MHz CPU and a 2 megapixel camera. It's sold unlocked by importers in the US and will work with any GSM carrier.

Cingular 8525 and HTC TyTN Nov. 2006

This worthy successor to the HTC Wizard line of devices including the Cingular 8125 really wow-d us. We take an in-depth look at both the Cingular 8525 and the HTC TyTN which are non-identical twins running on both the US and European 3G networks with support for HSDPA. This quad band GSM world phone sports a 400Mhz CPU, Bluetooth 2.0, WiFi 802.11b/g and has an excellent slide-out QWERTY keyboard. Its 2.0MP is the best we've seen on a Windows Mobile phone and the device is ready for serious business work and multimedia fun. The Cingular 8525 is sold by Cingular in the US and the HTC TyTN is sold unlocked by importers for use with any GSM carrier.

Palm Treo 700wx Sept. 2006

Though Verizon had an eight month exclusive on the first Windows Mobile Treo, Sprint makes it worth the wait by doubling memory (much needed) and including both DUN and push email support out of the box. The Treo 700wx runs Windows Mobile 5.1 on a 312MHz processor with 64 megs of RAM and 60 megs of available flash ROM. It has Bluetooth, a 1.3 megapixel camera and EVDO (Sprint's Power Vision) for fast data. Well worth a serious look if you've been hankering for a Windows Mobile Treo.

HP iPAQ hw6915 May and Oct. 2006

While the iPAQ hw6515 didn't meet our view of perfection, HP's new Windows Mobile 5 model, the hw6915 comes pretty close. This Pocket PC has a strong quad band GSM mobile phone, full PDA, WiFi, Bluetooth and a good GPS inside. No external antennas either, despite the 4 wireless radios inside. It runs on a 416MHz XScale processor, has 128 megs of flash ROM and a very good QWERTY thumb keyboard. Release date estimate: June 2006.

i-mate JAMin May 2006

This follow-up to the popular i-mate JAM keeps the super-compact design while offering many upgrades including a 2MP camera, more memory, Windows Mobile 5, WiFi and a quad band GSM radio with EDGE for data. That's a lot of features packed into one of the smallest Pocket PC phones on the market! It's sold unlocked for use with any GSM carrier in the world.

E-TEN G500 April 2006

Need a shot of triple convergence? The E-TEN G500 is a Pocket PC, quad band GSM phone and a GPS in one. This kissing cousin to the E-TEN M600 we reviewed a few months back, is compact yet it has a SiRF Star III GPS, 1.3MP camera, Bluetooth 2.0, a Mini SD slot and a 400Mhz processor with plenty of memory. Those of you who weren't wow-ed by the iPAQ 6515's lower resolution square screen and slower performance will find the G500 compelling. The G500 is sold unlocked for use with any carrier.

T-Mobile MDA Feb. 2006

Let the clone wars begin! The MDA is the latest HTC Wizard variant to hit the market, and was released in the US in Feb. 2006 a few days after the Cingular 8125. This device is both a Pocket PC PDA and a GSM quad band mobile phone. It has EDGE and GPRS for data, Bluetooth, WiFi and a 1.3MP camera. The side-sliding keyboard is its claim to fame and its compact design and excellent QVGA display are big selling points.

Cingular 8125 Feb. 2006

This HTC Wizard variant is a winner with slick looks and an excellent slide-out thumb keyboard. The device sports WiFi, Bluetooth 1.2 and has EDGE and GPRS for data. It's a quad band world phone that works anywhere GSM service is available. The phone is compact, has a 1.3MP camera, a great QVGA display and good battery life.

Verizon XV6700 Jan. 2006

A most capable yet compact Pocket PC phone with roomy thumb keyboard that slides out from the side. It's branded by UT Starcom and is actually made by ODM HTC (device codename Apache). The XV6700 is a close cousin to the Sprint PPC-6700, but is clad in matte black with contrasting silver accents. The device runs Windows Mobile 5.0 on a 416 MHz Intel XScale processor with 64 megs of RAM and 128 megs of flash ROM. It has EVDO for 3G data speeds along with WiFi and Bluetooth.

Palm Treo 700w Jan. 2006

Palm's first Windows Mobile Pocket PC phone is a winner in terms of one-handedness, usability and ergonomics. It's offered by Verizon in the US and features a fast EVDO connection for data. It has a 312 MHz XScale processor, integrated thumb keyboard, 1.3MP camera and a 240 x 240 pixel color display.

E-TEN M600 Dec. 2005

A very compact Pocket PC phone running Windows Mobile 5.0. It's a quad band phone that's unlocked for use with any carrier and it has GPRS for data. The device has it all: 1.3 megapixel camera with flash, Bluetooth 1.2, WiFi and an SD slot supporting SDIO. This 400 MHz Pocket PC is one of the fastest Windows Mobile 5 devices we've reviewed so far.

i-mate K-JAM Nov. 2005

This unlocked GSM Pocket PC phone runs Windows Mobile 5.0 and has a slide-out thumb keyboard. It's a quad band phone supporting all GSM networks in the world and it has both GPRS and EDGE for data. It's also got Bluetooth 1.2 and WiFi to keep you connected to most anything, anywhere. Throw in a 1.3MP camera with LED flash and you've got the K-JAM. This phone is sold unlocked for use with any carrier. Also known by its code name, the HTC Wizard.

Audiovox PPC-6700 from Sprint Oct. 2005

The first Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Phone Edition in the US. This device has it all: 416 MHz processor, EVDO, Bluetooth, WiFi, 1.3MP camera and an excellent slide-out thumb keyboard. This CDMA all digital phone is offered by Sprint in the US. The design is courtesy of HTC, and the device codename is the HTC Apache.

BenQ P50 July 2006 (released in 2005)

The P50 was billed as the "Treo killer" when BenQ first showed it off back in 2004. Though it took quite a long time to hit the market (too late to eclipse the Treo), this quad band GSM PPC phone has some strong points: front-facing QWERTY keyboard, WiFi, Bluetooth, a fast CPU and it's unlocked for use with any GSM carrier. It runs Windows Mobile 2003SE rather than the current Windows Mobile 5 operating system.

HP iPAQ hw6515 Sept. 2005

The Pocket PC phone that tries to do it all: it has a thumb keyboard, 1.3MP camera and a GPS. This GSM quad band world phone has EDGE and GPRS for data, and is the first to sport a smaller resolution 240 x 240 pixel display. It runs on Windows Mobile 2003SE with a 312 MHz Intel XScale processor. Currently available from Cingular in the US.

Samsung i730 July 2005

The fastest Windows Mobile Pocket PC phone on the market, the i730 has a 520 MHz processor, 64 megs of RAM, 128 megs of ROM and runs on Verizon's EVDO network for fast data. It's small by Pocket PC standards and is similar in size to the Treo 650. Not only that, it has an excellent slide-out keyboard, Bluetooth, WiFi and an AV remote. Definitely the Swiss Army Knife of smartphones!

E-TEN M500 July 2005

This compact Pocket PC phone running Windows Mobile 2003SE really wowed us. It competes with the i-mate JAM in size and features, and just might win. It has a bright 2.8" transflective display, 400 MHz processor, 135 megs of available memory, Bluetooth and a 1.3 megapixel digital camera. It's both a Pocket PC and a quad band GSM world phone with GPRS for data. Though sold only by importers in the US, the M500 is reasonably priced and is sold unlocked for use with any carrier.

i-mate JAM June 2005

Who says a Pocket PC phone has to be huge? The JAM is the darling of many thanks to its small size, elegant looks and strong feature set. Similar in size to the very portable and popular Palm OS Treo 650, the JAM has a 2.8" transflective display, 416 MHz Intel XScale processor, Bluetooth and a 1.3 megapixel digital camera. It's a GSM phone with GPRS for data, and we review the 850/1800/1900 MHz version which targets the US. Though offered by importers rather than US carriers, the phone is reasonably priced and worth a look!

Siemens SX66 March 2005

Users outside the US have had the pleasure of using GSM variants of the HTC Blue Angel for many months. Now this powerful device has made it to US shores and is offered by Cingular. This 400MHz unit with 128 megs of RAM is both a Pocket PC and a cell phone. It runs Windows Mobile 2003 SE, has WiFi, Bluetooth and is a quad band GSM world phone with GPRS for data. If that doesn't tempt you, the slide-out keyboard will. This is the close cousin to the Audiovox PPC-6601 listed below, but is GSM rather than CDMA and adds WiFi to the feature set.

Audiovox PPC-6601 Nov. 2004

How nice when we in the US get the latest, greatest Pocket PC phone without having to wait a year or resort to importers. The PPC-6601 is the CDMA cousin to the XDA III in Europe and Asia. This unit builds on the remarkable XDA II design and adds a "slide and hide" thumb keyboard. It runs on Sprint's network in the US and supports high speed data. It's got a fast processor, lots of memory and Bluetooth. A strong contender in the Pocket PC phone marketplace!

HP iPAQ 6315 Sept. 2004

The 6315 is a quad band GSM device that's offered T-Mobile in the US. This device is both a cell phone and a Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition. It packs a trio of wireless with GSM, WiFi and Bluetooth, has a VGA camera and a removable thumb keyboard. It works anywhere in the world GSM service is available.

E-TEN P300B June 2004

This Pocket PC Phone runs Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition and is a GSM world phone that works on the 900/1800/1900MHz bands. Though not offered by any US carrier, FutureCom Global will begin selling it in the US for $499, unlocked with no contract required. It's a bit smaller than other Pocket PC phones since it has a 2.8" display rather than the standard 3.5" display. The P300B has integrated Bluetooth, a 200MHz processor and can display 4,096 colors.

Samsung i700 March 2004

This 2nd generation Pocket PC phone runs on the Verizon Wireless network in the US. It's got a lovely transflective display, a 300 MHz XScale processor, 64 megs of RAM, a VGA camera and an SD slot that supports SDIO. That's a lot of features! It comes with Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition OS and supports Verizon's high speed 1xRTT Express Network for data speeds averaging 60 - 70 Kbps, with bursts up to 144 kbps. Discontinued.

XDA II March 2004

Wow! The most powerful Pocket PC phone currently on the market. This 400 MHz device combines a GSM mobile phone with a Pocket PC and runs Windows Mobile Phone Edition 2003. It has a whopping 128 megs of RAM, Bluetooth, a VGA camera and an SD slot that supports SDIO. Though no carrier in the US currently offers the XDA II (also sold as the i-mate and MDA II overseas), it is available from importers unlocked, and will run with any GSM provider's SIM.

Hitachi G1000 Pocket PC Phone Edition Aug. 2003

A powerful Pocket PC phone with a 400 MHz XScale processor and 32 megs of RAM. It runs on the Sprint PCS network in the US and supports their high speed PCS Vision network. Not only that, it has an integrated VGA digicam and a keyboard. Discontinued.

T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone Edition Summer 2002

This highly successful device has an attractive design, and is known as the O2 XDA overseas. It's got 32 megs of RAM, a 206 MHz StrongArm processor and and an SD expansion slot. It runs on the GSM network and is offered by T-Mobile in the US. It also supports GPRS for data. Est. $299- $499 depending on sales specials and activation. This was the first Pocket PC phone and now is the oldest.




Company Contact Information Offers Windows Mobile 5.0 Smart Phone Models Offers Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Phone Edition Models
Cingular http://www.cingular.com 888-333-6651 Yes Yes
E-TEN http://www.etencorp.com No Yes
HP http://www.hp.com 800-752-0900 No Yes
HTC http://www.htc.com Yes Yes
imate http://www.clubimate.com No Yes
Motorola http://www.motorola.com Yes No
Palm http://www.palm.com 800-881-7256 No Yes
Samsung http://www.samsung.com 800-Samsung Yes Yes
Sprint http://www.sprint.com No Yes
T-Mobile http://www.tmobile.com 800-937-8997 Yes Yes
UT Starcom http://www.utstar.com 1-510-864-8800 No Yes


